Inspired by … home


Last time I posted as part of the Thursday’s Children blog hop, I’d just returned from a trip to Spain. My post was about the inspirational details that jump out at me while traveling.

This week, my city was attacked.

I didn’t take my kids into town to see the marathon on Monday, but I’d considered it. It’s the sort of thing we do. I love to go in and take advantage of the fun events available in town year-round. Boston is a great city with cool things going on all the time, especially in those few months where it’s warm enough to enjoy being outside.


This time, we were lucky we didn’t go. I feel the pain of those who know someone affected or who witnessed the chaos of the aftermath. I’m still in shock, and still horribly, horribly sad that someone would do this.

Still, Boston inspires me. Its people inspire me. The way people on the scene ran to help, the way doctors and nurses at some of the world’s best hospitals stayed as long as was needed to do all that they could, the way we stand together, not afraid to go into town.


I love you, Boston!

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11 thoughts on “Inspired by … home

  1. I lived there during my twenties, almost all of them. It IS a great town and I still have friends/family there. I was SO FREAKING PROUD of Boston as I watched little clips of the aftermath. And yes, adorable twins. My WIP has triplets (2 girls and a boy). They are not…cute.

  2. I can’t imagine, Kip. My kids were very upset by this and we are so far away. I can’t imagine what you are dealing with trying to help them feel safe. My thoughts are with all of you in Boston.

  3. christineallenriley says:

    I’m so glad you and your kids (who are absolutely adorable, btw) weren’t there. I’m also horrified that anyone would feel the need to do something like this, but I’ve been amazed and truly inspired by the people of Boston.

  4. Aurelia Blue says:

    Been thinking of you all week. Glad to see you’re coping and finding inspiration. Never let the terrorists win. Love to you and your family. Such precious kids. I’m glad your raising them to be brave and inspired. {{{{{{{{supersistermamawriterhugs}}}}}}}}}

  5. Aurelia Blue says:

    Holy cow… sigh… I’m glad *you’re* raising them…
    Again, thank you for this inspirational post. All my love and prayers.

  6. kiperoo says:

    Thanks for the comments, everyone. Last week was definitely a shocking week, but I’m really proud of the way Bostonians responded and am grateful for the support from the rest of the world.

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