Full of Sunshine!

A huge thanks to Rhiann Wynn-Nolet for passing on the Sunshine Award to my blog! Rhiann and I met during writeoncon, and I was so glad we did. 🙂 It was wicked cool to recognize the other names of some of my favorite writerly pals on her nomination list, too. *high-fives all around*

On to the eight big questions that go with the award:

1. What is your Favorite Christmas/Festive movie?
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I can’t help it. I love this move SO HARD, and I watch it several times a year, even in July or so when I’m missing it. “Let’s be independent together” is one of the best movie lines of all time, imo.

2. What is your Favorite Flower?
Daisies. Love how they are such friendly, unpretentious flowers.

3. What is your Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage?
Café con leche. Mmmmmm.

4. What is your Passion?
Writing! With a little reading on the side.

5. What is your Favorite Time of Year?
Early summer, when you can first enjoy those full days outside without freezing. I LOVE having breakfast outside.

6. What is your Favorite Time of Day?
First thing in the morning when everything’s still quiet. I love getting up before the rest of the house.

7. What is your Favorite Physical Activity?
My two faves are swimming and yoga, not so much because of the physical workout, but because of the way they relax the mind, which I reaaaallly need.

8. What is your Favorite Vacation Spot?
As much as I love Spain and Austria from my close connections to both of those, I’d have to say Iceland since it’s so different as well as hauntingly beautiful.

I’m passing the award on to the following full-of-sunshine blogs! Feel free to pick it up after the craziness of NaNoWriMo if you’re NaNoing!

Amanda Foody 

Ansha Kotyk

Heidi Schulz

Jani Grey

Rachel Writes Things

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